Sources and Sinks
A technology focused podcast - Talks about the business, people, technology, products, culture of silicon valley - with a security twist.
Podcasting since 2020 • 29 episodes
Sources and Sinks
Latest Episodes
What went wrong during the Okta breach? With Tarun Desikan
Earlier this year, Okta, a major identity provider, reported that it was breached. What happened during the Okta compromise? Today on sources and sinks, Vickie Li chats with
Season 3
Episode 15

Security and privacy in a world of digital identity with Shinesa Cambric
Vickie Li, developer evangelist at ShiftLeft, interviews Shinesa Cambric about her research i...
Season 3
Episode 14
Breaking the entry-level barrier with Jasmine Jackson
Jasmine Jackson is an experienced cybersecurity professional who got her start through self-teaching. So listen on for her advice on breaking the entry-level barrier in infosec and ...
Season 3
Episode 13